Wednesday, January 2, 2008


....the San Francisco Treat!" Funny, I've passed through it tons of times, going over the Golden Gate and Bay bridges, had layovers there more times than I want to count, but I had never actually spent any time down in the touristy Pier 39/Fisherman's Wharf. We had a great day with beautiful weather (as you can see) and had a nice little visit.
Boudin looked like it had great bread, but the name really put me off, since in France, boudin is blood sausage. Blech!
I didn't buy any crepes because they were spendy! And I have a great recipe from my French aunt and I have Nutella at home. But I loved the little creperie and had fun watching them make them.
The next time I'm in SF will be during a layover on our way to France!


Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Ah yes..San Fran..I knew that Boudin sounded familiar. I just didnt think FAR enough. ;)great photos. Hmm those crepes sound good. My Dad used to make them all the time. Brings back memories. That trip to France isn't to far away now is it.

My Inner French Girl said...

Bonjour, CC, and Happy New Year!

Ahhhh, you just sent me tripping down memory lane to one of my favorite cities in the continental US. Yeah, I love Fisherman's Wharf -- I'm such a tourist!

Thanks for the beautiful photos!


La Belette Rouge said...

I love San Francisco. It is such a European city, don't you think? Tres cosmopolitan.

I am not a fan of the Rice-A-Roni. Noodle-Roni I often enjoyed in my college carb days. Good times!

wcs said...

Hey, that's one of my streetcars (I used to work for the Municipal Railway)!! Glad you had fun in SF!

Anonymous said...

Damn you and your San Francisco treat song. Now i'm going to go to sleep singing it in my head.

Besides Seattle and Boston, SF is awesome!

Cassoulet Cafe said...

When I have a song in my head, I have a mean streak in me that requires me to make everyone around me have it in their head too. :)
Your welcome!

Cassoulet Cafe said...

I actually like Rice A Roni, but hate Noodle Roni.
Yes, I think SF is very European feeling. It was a fun day, a prelude to a real European vacation coming soon!